Paraffin Wax

A paraffin wax unit is a device that melts and stores the type of wax used in candles, paraffin. The hand (or other body parts like the feet) is meant to be entirely covered in wax. Its warm temperature is intended to ease arthritis pain, stiff joints, and achy muscles.

What are the benefits?

Paraffin Wax acts like a form of heat therapy and can help increase blood flow, relax muscles, and decrease joint stiffness. Paraffin wax can also minimize muscle spasms and inflammation as well as treat sprains.

What Is It?

Paraffin wax is a white or colorless soft, solid wax. It’s made from saturated hydrocarbons. It’s often used in skin-softening salon and spa treatments on the hands, cuticles, and feet because it’s colorless, tasteless, and odorless. It can also be used to provide pain relief to sore joints and muscles.